Eastertime, a spoken word on the season of Easter

Easter time, a time of renewal and rebirth, When the earth awakens from its slumber, And the colors of life burst forth in a symphony of hues, When the darkness of winter fades, And the light of spring illuminates our souls.

We remember the sacrifice of the cross, The pain and suffering, the death and resurrection, And we celebrate the triumph of love over hate, Of hope over despair, of life over death.

Easter is a time of miracles, When the impossible becomes possible, And the brokenness of our lives is mended, When the tears of sorrow turn to tears of joy, And the burdens of the past are lifted from our shoulders.

So let us embrace this holy season, With hearts full of gratitude and wonder, And let us be open to the transformation that awaits us, As we journey through the mystery of life, And discover the beauty and grace that surrounds us.

By WhovianPastor

I am the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Belleville, Illinois. I have a Master's of Arts degree in Instructional Strategies as well as a Master's of Divinity degree from Eden Theological Seminary. I am currently working on my Doctorate of Ministry degree. I live with my husband, Shea, and our dog Ivy. I love all things geeky and nerdy. Crafting and theology are my love languages.

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