Breaking down the barriers; a spoken word about anxiety

Anxiety, a thief that steals our peace, A storm that brews inside our minds, A weight that drags us down, A battle that we must fight.

It’s a constant companion, That never seems to leave, It whispers lies in our ear, And we struggle to believe.

But we are warriors, And we will not be defeated, We’ll face our fears head-on, And we won’t be retreated.

We’ll break down the barriers, That hold us back, And we’ll shine a light, On the strength that we lack.

We’ll learn to breathe deeply, To slow our racing hearts, We’ll find comfort in the small things, And learn to play our parts.

For we are not defined, By the worries in our heads, We are capable of greatness, And we’ll soar to new heights instead.

We’ll use our anxiety, As fuel for our fire, And we’ll create something beautiful, That the world will admire.

So let us rise up, And face anxiety with might, For we are warriors, And we will win this fight.

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