A different kind of heart; a spoken word of inclusion!

In a world that’s torn apart, where hate and fear hold sway, we need a different kind of heart, to build a brighter day.

We need a heart that beats for love, for every race and creed, a heart that doesn’t push and shove, but welcomes all in need.

We need a heart that sees beyond, the color of our skin, a heart that hears the same old song, and dares to let us in.

We need a heart that understands, the struggles of the past, and works to heal the wounded lands, and break down walls at last.

We need a heart that speaks the truth, with kindness and respect, a heart that won’t be cowed or cajoled, but stands up to reject.

The hate that’s thrown our way sometimes, for being who we are, and shows the world that we will climb, together, near and far.

For in this world that’s torn apart, we have the power to choose, to build a world with love and heart, where everyone can use.

Their gifts and talents, hopes and dreams, to create a better way, where no one’s left outside the seams, and everyone gets a say.

So let us rise up to this call, to be the change we seek, and build a world that welcomes all, inclusively and meek.

For in our hearts, we hold the key, to a future bright and free, where love and acceptance reign supreme, and we can all just be.

By WhovianPastor

I am the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Belleville, Illinois. I have a Master's of Arts degree in Instructional Strategies as well as a Master's of Divinity degree from Eden Theological Seminary. I am currently working on my Doctorate of Ministry degree. I live with my husband, Shea, and our dog Ivy. I love all things geeky and nerdy. Crafting and theology are my love languages.

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