The Gospels Unveiled: A Reading Plan for the Familiar but Unacquainted

For many of us, the church has been a consistent backdrop in our lives. We’ve celebrated festive seasons, been part of heartwarming ceremonies, and perhaps even hummed along to scriptures turned into song. Yet, diving deep into the Bible, especially the Gospels, can still feel like uncharted territory. This reading plan is for those who’ve been around the Bible but haven’t fully explored its depths. Let’s embark on a four-week journey through the Gospels, uncovering the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Introduction: The Importance of the Gospels

The Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John — are the four books in the New Testament that chronicle the life of Jesus. Each offers a unique perspective, ensuring we get a holistic view of His life and ministry.

Week 1: Meet Jesus, the Messiah

  • Day 1: Matthew 1-2 (Jesus’s genealogy and birth)
  • Day 2: Luke 1-2 (Announcement and birth of Jesus)
  • Day 3: John 1 (The divine Word becoming flesh)
  • Day 4: Mark 1 (The start of Jesus’s ministry)
  • Day 5: Matthew 3-4 (Baptism and temptation of Jesus)
  • Day 6: Luke 3-4 (A deeper dive into His early ministry)
  • Day 7: Reflect on what you’ve read. Consider Jesus’s origins both as man and God.

Week 2: Miracles and Parables – Stories That Teach

  • Day 1: Mark 2-4 (Miracles and parables begin)
  • Day 2: Matthew 5-7 (Sermon on the Mount)
  • Day 3: Luke 8-9 (Powerful miracles and teachings)
  • Day 4: John 2-3 (Miracles and the famous dialogue with Nicodemus)
  • Day 5: Mark 5-6 (More miracles and teachings)
  • Day 6: Luke 10-11 (The Good Samaritan and prayer teachings)
  • Day 7: Reflect on the balance of divine power and human-like storytelling in Jesus’s ministry.

Week 3: Challenges, Revelations, and Intimate Moments

  • Day 1: John 4-6 (The Samaritan woman, the Bread of Life discourse)
  • Day 2: Matthew 13-14 (Parables and the feeding of the 5,000)
  • Day 3: Mark 7-9 (Challenges from religious leaders, the Transfiguration)
  • Day 4: Luke 12-14 (Teachings about anxiety, faith, and parables)
  • Day 5: Matthew 17-18 (Faith and forgiveness)
  • Day 6: John 11-12 (Raising Lazarus, Mary’s anointing of Jesus)
  • Day 7: Reflect on how Jesus interacted with friends, foes, and followers.

Week 4: Passion, Death, and Resurrection

  • Day 1: Mark 14-15 (The Last Supper and Crucifixion)
  • Day 2: Matthew 26-27 (Another perspective of the same events)
  • Day 3: John 13-17 (The Last Supper, Jesus’s prayers, and teachings)
  • Day 4: Luke 22-23 (The betrayal, trial, and crucifixion)
  • Day 5: Mark 16, Matthew 28 (The resurrection)
  • Day 6: Luke 24, John 20-21 (Post-resurrection appearances and teachings)
  • Day 7: Reflect on the depth of sacrifice and the hope of resurrection.

Each week, as you delve into the pages of the Gospels, engage with the stories, ask questions, and invite conversations with friends or fellow church members. This journey will not only help you understand the scriptures better but will also reinforce your connection to the church community. Happy reading!

By WhovianPastor

I am the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Belleville, Illinois. I have a Master's of Arts degree in Instructional Strategies as well as a Master's of Divinity degree from Eden Theological Seminary. I am currently working on my Doctorate of Ministry degree. I live with my husband, Shea, and our dog Ivy. I love all things geeky and nerdy. Crafting and theology are my love languages.

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