Understanding Jewish Midrash: Its Influence on Scriptures Today

When diving into the realm of Jewish literature, the term “Midrash” frequently surfaces. To the uninitiated, the Midrash might seem like a complex, inaccessible body of work. However, a closer look reveals its intrinsic value in interpreting, understanding, and connecting with the scriptures. What is Midrash? The word “Midrash” comes […]

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Crossing the Aisle: A Call for Unity and Cooperation among Legislators

Introduction In today’s world, our country faces numerous challenges that demand immediate attention and thoughtful solutions. As a pastor and a concerned citizen, I believe that one of the most significant obstacles hindering progress is the increasing divisiveness among our legislators. The polarization and refusal to cooperate across party lines […]

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Shattered; a spoken word of God’s redeeming love

In the depths of my despair, I stood, A soul fragmented, misunderstood, Broken pieces scattered all around, In shattered dreams, my heart was bound. Yet in the midst of darkness, a flickering light, A presence so gentle, kind and bright, A divine touch, a balm for my pain, Their grace, […]

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Unveiling the Sinkhole of Christofascism and Nationalism: A Dangerous Intersection

Introduction In recent years, a disconcerting phenomenon has emerged, blurring the lines between religious fervor, political ideologies, and nationalistic tendencies. This dangerous confluence, known as “Christofascism” and its partner-in-crime, nationalism, has permeated societies, undermining the very foundations of secularism, tolerance, and pluralism. This blog post aims to shed light on […]

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Reflections: A Letter to My Younger Self

As June paints the town with hues of rainbows and vibrant smiles bloom like wildflowers, we again find ourselves in the heart of Pride Month. It is a time of celebration, reflection, and an annual reminder of the journey we, as the LGBTQ+ community, have traversed. This month, I wish […]

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What do the Stained Windows say about my church?

Material culture is an integral part of any church. From the ornate decorations adorning the walls to the simple pews where the faithful sit, every aspect of a church’s physical space is imbued with meaning and symbolism. But have you ever stopped to think about what your church is saying […]

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Donald Trump, Indictments, and Christianity

As a Christian, I believe in the values of love, justice, and compassion that are at the heart of the gospel message. I also believe that those who hold positions of power and influence must be held accountable for their actions, particularly when those actions harm others and threaten the […]

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A letter to my husband during Pastor’s Spouse Appreciation Month

As we celebrate Pastor’s Spouse Appreciation Month, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for my husband. While I may be the one who stands in the pulpit every week, I could not do what I do without his love, support, and partnership. Being a pastor’s husband […]

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