Divine Authenticity; a poem about living into God’s design!

In the quiet whispers of dawn’s first light, there lies a truth, pristine and bright. A journey unfolds, a path to unveil, To become the self, beyond the veil. In the depths of the soul, where echoes reside, God’s creation, in us, does confide. With every breath, a chance to […]

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The Race for More; a poem about possessions

In the race for more, we strive and yearn,Seeking wealth and power, our desires burn.Always chasing after what we think we lack,In the pursuit of more, we often lose track. Yet in the midst of this endless chase,God whispers softly, seeking our embrace.He calls us to be more than what […]

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Embracing Progressive Spirituality: Contemporary Practices to Deepen Faith During Lent

Introduction:As the Lenten season approaches, many Christians seek meaningful ways to engage with their faith in a contemporary context. While traditional practices like fasting and prayer remain relevant, there is a growing interest in progressive spirituality that integrates social justice, environmental stewardship, and inclusive theology into Lenten observance. In this […]

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Exploring Lent: Catholic and Protestant Perspectives

Introduction:As Lent approaches, Christians worldwide prepare to embark on a journey of spiritual reflection, repentance, and renewal. This sacred season, observed in various ways across denominations, holds profound significance in the Christian calendar. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the history of Lent and explore how its practices differ […]

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Exploring the Timeless Tradition: A Journey through the History of Lent

Introduction:As the days lengthen and spring whispers its approach, many around the world prepare for a season of reflection, repentance, and renewal known as Lent. Millions of Christians worldwide participate in this ancient tradition, which has a rich tapestry of history, spirituality, and cultural significance. Delving into the depths of […]

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A Poem for Ash Wednesday; 2024

In quiet solemnity, Ash Wednesday begins,A hushed murmur of penance, as the faithful come in.With foreheads marked by ashes, we stand and pray,Reminded of our mortality, on this solemn day. The alleluias, joyful and bright,Are buried deep, out of sight.In the earth’s embrace, they lay to rest,As we prepare for […]

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Navigating Grief and Finding Healing: Coping with Exclusion from Biological Families During the Holidays

Introduction: The holiday season is often hailed as a time of joy, love, and togetherness. However, for some individuals, it can be a challenging and emotionally charged period, especially if they find themselves excluded from their biological families. Whether due to estrangement, conflict, or loss, navigating this time of year […]

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Navigating Compassion: Supporting Those Grieving the Loss of a Loved One

Introduction:Losing a loved one is an incredibly challenging and emotional experience that affects individuals in profound ways. Knowing how to offer support to someone who has just experienced such a loss can be tricky, as people grieve differently and may have varying needs. In this blog post, we will explore […]

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