Transforming Discipleship in the Inclusive Church

Discipleship is a central aspect of Christian faith and practice, and involves following Jesus and seeking to live out his teachings in our daily lives. However, traditional models of discipleship have often excluded or marginalized certain groups of people, such as LGBTQ+ individuals, people with disabilities, and people of color. […]

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Pastoral Care for the Purple Church

As a United Church of Christ (UCC) pastor, serving a diverse political congregation can be challenging. However, with the right pastoral care techniques, it is possible to minister effectively to individuals with differing political views. In this blog post, we will explore some practical suggestions for serving a UCC church […]

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The Concept of Imago Dei and Why It Matters!

As humans, we all possess an inherent dignity and worth that cannot be diminished by our circumstances, choices, or beliefs. This is because we are created in the image of God, or Imago Dei in Latin. The concept of Imago Dei is not only central to Christian theology, but it […]

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What is grace?

Grace is a fundamental concept within Christian theology, and it has been the subject of extensive scholarly inquiry for centuries. At its essence, grace refers to the unmerited favor that God extends to humanity through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. From a progressive Christian perspective, grace is […]

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The queer child, a need for acceptance.

As a parent, discovering that your child is queer can be a challenging and emotional experience. You may experience a range of emotions, from confusion and fear to love and acceptance. However, accepting and affirming your queer child is an important step towards creating a more just and equitable world […]

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