God’s Own Breath: a poem about the “Ruach Hakodesh”

In the vast expanse, before time took its breadth,Hovered a force, God’s own manifest breath.The Ruach Hakodesh, not just tales of the old,But a living Spirit, stories untold. From ancient scrolls, to our heartbeat’s quest,It’s the whisper in the wind, the surge in your chest.Before mountains stood tall, or stars […]

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Understanding “Ruach Hakodesh” in Our Walk with God

For anyone delving deeper into the spiritual and theological aspects of their faith, the term “Ruach Hakodesh” is not merely a foreign term but a foundational concept within the Judeo-Christian tradition. It provides profound insights into God’s interaction with humanity. Let’s explore what “Ruach Hakodesh” is and why it’s essential […]

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