Embracing Love: The Sin of Judging Others

Introduction As a pastor, it is my duty to preach the word of God, and one of the most essential messages that we often overlook is the power of love. Love is a force that binds us together and transcends all boundaries, yet all too often, we find ourselves passing […]

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“Am I Worthy of this Calling”; a spoken word about God’s call to ordination

In a dimly lit chamber, where shadows intertwine, Stands a man, trembling, with a heart burdened by time. The air is thick with incense, whispers fill the space, As he questions his worthiness, his soul’s sacred grace. A vessel of devotion, called to serve the divine, Yet doubts infiltrate, eroding […]

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Unveiling the Hidden Gems: 5 Experiences for First-Time Visitors at a Small Church

Introduction: When it comes to attending church, small congregations offer an intimate and welcoming environment that can be a refreshing change of pace for first-time visitors. These small churches may not boast grandeur or vast numbers, but they have their own unique charm and authenticity. In this blog post, we […]

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The Power of Positivity: How Great Churches Emphasize What They Are For, Not Against!

Introduction: In today’s world, it’s not uncommon to hear about churches or religious organizations that are known for what they are against. However, truly great churches understand the power of emphasizing what they are for, rather than focusing on what they are against. By shifting the narrative and embracing positivity, […]

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Love, oh Love, you’ve lingered too long in shadows

Love, oh Love, you’ve lingered too long in shadows, Wrapped in your gentle murmur, lost in hushed meadows. When the tempestuous tongues of hate grow bold, Why do you, in your whispers, leave your tales untold? Greed struts loud and brash, dressed in robes of power, While lies, like creeping […]

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Christians on Cruise Control: Awakening Spiritual Growth

Introduction: In the journey of faith, it is not uncommon to encounter Christians who seem to be stagnant, exhibiting a sense of spiritual complacency and appearing to be on “cruise control.” While their faith may have once burned bright, it has gradually dimmed, resulting in a lack of growth and […]

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Unveiling the Sinkhole of Christofascism and Nationalism: A Dangerous Intersection

Introduction In recent years, a disconcerting phenomenon has emerged, blurring the lines between religious fervor, political ideologies, and nationalistic tendencies. This dangerous confluence, known as “Christofascism” and its partner-in-crime, nationalism, has permeated societies, undermining the very foundations of secularism, tolerance, and pluralism. This blog post aims to shed light on […]

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Embracing Unity: Progressive and Conservative Christians Worshiping Together in the UCC Church

Introduction In an era marked by divisions and polarization, it is essential to find common ground and foster unity among diverse groups. The United Church of Christ (UCC), known for its inclusivity and acceptance, provides an excellent example of how progressive and conservative Christians can work together and worship harmoniously […]

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