The Top Five Theological Questions to Ask When Attending a New Church

When stepping into a new church, you’re not just entering a new building; you’re entering a community with its own unique beliefs, practices, and interpretations of faith. Understanding the theology that underpins this community can be essential in determining if this church aligns with your beliefs and if it’s the […]

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The Rainbow Flag: Celebrating God’s Diverse Creation

Across streets, during pride parades, and fluttering high in many parts of the world, the rainbow flag stands as a vibrant symbol of pride, acceptance, and unity for the LGBTQ+ community. It’s a beautiful mosaic of colors, each hue telling its own story. As we delve into the meanings behind […]

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Walking on Water: “Do You Trust the Call?”

Matthew 14:22-33, NRSVUE The story of Jesus walking on water is a captivating one, rich in metaphor and lessons that resonate deeply with many of us, no matter where we are on our spiritual journey. As a recently ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, I find myself continuously […]

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A Beacon in the Tempest

In the patterned cloths of upbringing, thread by thread, we’re often bound,In the whispers of our households, where unspoken truths resound.As we navigate existence, political views are often found,Yet they never tell the whole of who we are, nor where we’re bound. They ask me, with their puzzled gaze, my […]

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Faith and Life’s Trials: The Journey of a Pastor

When I reflect upon my faith and my life’s journey – growing up in a middle-class, white, conservative family, transitioning from a life of middle-class comfort to economic struggles, grappling with my LGBTQIA identity, and navigating the harsh realities of incarceration – I often wonder about the roots of my […]

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A Tapestry of Grace: Finding My True Self Through The United Church of Christ

Life is a journey with many unexpected twists and turns. Several years ago, I found myself at a challenging juncture, incarcerated, disconnected, and at an all-time low. Amidst these bleak surroundings, however, a light emerged — I was found by the United Church of Christ (UCC). This spiritual encounter would […]

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Unpacking Romans 9:1-5: A Beacon of Sorrow, Love, and Divine Purpose

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the complex yet poignant verses found in Romans 9:1-5, where Apostle Paul expresses his profound sorrow, unwavering love, and understanding of God’s divine purpose for the Israelites. In these verses, Paul allows us to see a glimpse of his heart, revealing a depth […]

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Shadowed by the Cross’s Reach

Pastors stand beneath the spire, shadowed by the Cross’s reach, Guiding hearts through life’s mire, entrusted with God’s speech. In robes of hope, they lead the flock, toward light’s embrace, Yet even they, against the clock, can stumble in the race. From pulpit high, they weave the words, threading love’s […]

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