Boundless and Holy; a poem about love.

In the beginning,There was love.Not the kind that fits into the neat cornersOf man-made boxes,But the wild, sprawling expanseOf a divine sparkThat knows no limit, no end. I stand here,A pastor in a pulpit,A husband in a home,A queer soul in a bodyThat’s never fit the mold—Yet here I am, […]

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Children of the Creator

We are all children of the Creator,dancing in the kaleidoscope of existence,each step a testament to the spectrum of love. In the dawn, under the vast sky,our hearts beat the same rhythm,echoing ancient whispers of unity. Some walk the straight paths,carved by generations of tradition,their love like a river, steady […]

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How Christians Should Respond to Pride Month: A Progressive Christian Pastor’s Perspective

June is a month of celebration, reflection, and recognition for the LGBTQ+ community. Pride Month is a time to honor the struggles and achievements of LGBTQ+ individuals and to advocate for their rights and dignity. As a progressive Christian pastor, I believe it’s essential for Christians to engage with Pride […]

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In this Truth; a poem about HIV

I am in awe of the strength and courage of my friends living and thriving with HIV infection. Your resilience shines through in every step you take, inspiring us all to embrace life with love and dignity. To each of you, I dedicate this heartfelt poem. Your journey is a […]

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Embracing Diversity: The Imperative for Inclusivity in Christian Worship Spaces

In the heart of every Christian congregation lies the call to embrace all, to love unconditionally, and to create spaces where every individual feels welcomed and valued. Yet, the reality often falls short of this noble aspiration. In many churches, certain groups find themselves marginalized, overlooked, or even ostracized. From […]

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The Silent Tears of the Holidays

In the stillness of winter, an unfolding narrative tells of courage and grace, unrestricted by conventional lines. The soft glow of festive lights paints a subdued backdrop, casting shadows upon a heart yearning for space to evolve. Within the framework of traditions, a silent journey unfolds, with the echoes of […]

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