Boundless and Holy; a poem about love.

In the beginning,There was love.Not the kind that fits into the neat cornersOf man-made boxes,But the wild, sprawling expanseOf a divine sparkThat knows no limit, no end. I stand here,A pastor in a pulpit,A husband in a home,A queer soul in a bodyThat’s never fit the mold—Yet here I am, […]

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Children of the Creator

We are all children of the Creator,dancing in the kaleidoscope of existence,each step a testament to the spectrum of love. In the dawn, under the vast sky,our hearts beat the same rhythm,echoing ancient whispers of unity. Some walk the straight paths,carved by generations of tradition,their love like a river, steady […]

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Understanding First Century Cultural Contexts and Modern Beliefs

The intersection of theology and modern societal values is a complex and often contentious area. One of the most debated topics today is the stance on same-sex relationships. While some hold the view that these relationships are not aligned with divine laws, others, like myself, believe that the prohibitions against […]

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Where Grace and Wonder Lie

In a world where shadows fall,And doubts besiege the heart’s great hall,There dwells a tale of old, profound,Where impossibility finds ground. Upon a day, when fear held sway,In locked rooms where disciples lay,A whisper soft, a breath of peace,Brought hope to doubt, and doubt’s release. For in that chamber, closed […]

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Hope Springs Eternal; a poem about love

In the depths of love’s labyrinth, we tread, Each step a dance, each moment a thread. But alas, sometimes the path grows dark, And love’s sweet melody turns stark. When love’s flame flickers and starts to wane, Leaving behind echoes of heart’s pain, We mourn the loss, we grieve the […]

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