Reflections: A Letter to My Younger Self

As June paints the town with hues of rainbows and vibrant smiles bloom like wildflowers, we again find ourselves in the heart of Pride Month. It is a time of celebration, reflection, and an annual reminder of the journey we, as the LGBTQ+ community, have traversed. This month, I wish […]

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Embracing Inclusivity: Steps to Respect Non-Binary and Trans Individuals

Introduction: In our journey toward a more inclusive and accepting society, it is essential that we actively work to respect and honor the identities of all individuals, including those who identify as non-binary or transgender. By fostering an environment of respect and understanding, we can create a world where everyone […]

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Dismissing a Person’s Loved One or Identity as a “Lifestyle” Is an Act of Profound Cruelty

Introduction In a world that prides itself on progress and acceptance, it is disheartening to witness the persistence of bigotry and discrimination. Among the various forms of prejudice, dismissing a person’s loved one or identity as a mere “lifestyle” is not only deeply hurtful but also an act of profound […]

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Debunking the Myth: June is Not the Devil’s Month Despite Pride Celebrations

Introduction: June is often associated with a multitude of events and observances around the world. One of the most prominent is Pride Month, a time when the LGBTQ+ community and its allies come together to celebrate diversity, advocate for equal rights, and raise awareness about the challenges faced by individuals […]

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Bridging the Gap: Overcoming Alienation and Embracing the Queer Community

Introduction As a pastor, it is essential for me to acknowledge and address the painful truth that the church has historically perpetuated alienation and exclusion towards the queer community. We cannot deny the hurt and rejection that many individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community have experienced within the walls of our […]

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The Selective Scripture: Unveiling Cherry-Picked Homosexuality Arguments by Right-Wing Evangelicals

Introduction In recent years, the topic of homosexuality has become a focal point of debate within religious communities. While a diverse range of opinions exists on this matter, it is essential to critically examine how certain interpretations of religious texts, particularly by right-wing evangelicals, have contributed to the belief that […]

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Bound by Flame; a love poem for my husband

In a world tangled by judgment and fear, Two souls defy the norm, love’s melody they hear. Amidst the chaos of societal divide, Their love stands tall, refusing to hide. Bound by a flame, fierce and true, Two men’s hearts entwined, their love breaking through. For love knows no limits, […]

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The Plight of Bullying Among Queer Individuals: A Call to Action for LGBTQIA+ Solidarity

Introduction In recent years, significant strides have been made in advancing LGBTQIA+ rights and fostering inclusivity. However, one issue that persists within the community is the presence of bullying, where queer individuals become both the victims and perpetrators. Bullying among LGBTQIA+ individuals not only inflicts emotional and psychological harm but […]

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