The Heart of the Storm

In the heart of the storm where judgments roar, As a pastor, a shepherd of God’s own core, A beacon of faith, yet so much more, Queer, neurodivergent, once a convict’s score. Emotions rise, like waves upon a shore, Anger surfaces, a lion’s mighty roar, Not the primal beast, but […]

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Unveiling Anger: A Pastor’s Journey to Authenticity and Acceptance

Introduction As a Christian pastor, the call to love and guide others is a profound journey, one that can become especially complex when intersecting with identities as a neurodivergent, LGBTQIA individual, and former convict. The path to living authentically, while guided by faith, can be fraught with judgment and misunderstanding, […]

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In this Queer, Divided World

In a world divided, a heart feels worn, Navigating paths, both fierce and forlorn, A weary mind, with battles to endure, For being queer in a world unsure. From every angle, judgmental eyes, Discrimination in whispered sighs, The weight of prejudice, a heavy shroud, As mental exhaustion cries aloud. In […]

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The Venomous Bite; a spoken word about rising above!

Dear self, in the depths of your soul, I see the strength that makes you whole, A strength that defies the venomous bite, Of hurtful words that haunt your night. You’ve dared to love with all your might, To see the good in their darkest light, But know, my dear, […]

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Bridging Traditions and Diversity in Symbolism

Introduction Rainbows have long held a place of significance and wonder in human culture. From ancient mythologies to religious texts, rainbows have symbolized hope, promise, and the beauty of nature. In recent times, the rainbow has taken on an additional meaning as a symbol of LGBTQIA+ pride and diversity. This […]

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Judgement instead of Love Serene: a spoken word about Church hurt and the LGBTQIA+ community.

In the realm of church, where hearts once sought, A sanctuary of solace, love, and thought, A chorus of voices, vibrant and strong, But shadows of hurt lingered far too long. For in the pews, where faith should thrive, Church hurt and trauma kept hope deprived. The queer community, longing […]

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“With Heavy Steps I Tread Unknown”: a poem

In shadows cast by doubtful eyes, A heart yearns to freely rise, Amidst a world so vast and wide, Unsupportive parents by my side. Oh, tender souls who brought me forth, Why must my truth provoke your wrath? Within my being, colors bloom, Yet, your acceptance, shrouded gloom. With heavy […]

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