From the 52 year old me to my younger self,

Dear Little One, Today, as I ink down these words, marks the fifty-second year of my life—a tapestry woven with joy, struggle, resilience, and love. I’m taking a moment to whisper through the corridors of time to reach out to you, my younger self. There’s much to share, dear heart. […]

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Reflections: A Letter to My Younger Self

As June paints the town with hues of rainbows and vibrant smiles bloom like wildflowers, we again find ourselves in the heart of Pride Month. It is a time of celebration, reflection, and an annual reminder of the journey we, as the LGBTQ+ community, have traversed. This month, I wish […]

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A letter to my husband during Pastor’s Spouse Appreciation Month

As we celebrate Pastor’s Spouse Appreciation Month, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for my husband. While I may be the one who stands in the pulpit every week, I could not do what I do without his love, support, and partnership. Being a pastor’s husband […]

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