Prayer for the Trans Community

Dear God, We come before you today with heavy hearts, as we witness the persecution and discrimination faced by our trans siblings in the United States. As state legislatures seek to pass harmful and oppressive laws that deny the basic humanity of trans individuals, we ask for your guidance and […]

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Lenten Prayer for Drag Performers

Dear God, We come before you during this season of Lent with heavy hearts, as we witness turmoil and division in our country. We are reminded of the importance of inclusion and acceptance, especially during times of hardship and uncertainty. Help us to see the beauty in all of your […]

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The Hobbit and the Season of Lent

During the season of Lent, many Christians around the world prepare for a time of introspection, self-reflection, and spiritual renewal. Lent is a time for fasting, repentance, and self-denial, in preparation for the celebration of Easter. It is a period of 40 days, representing the 40 days that Jesus spent […]

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Doctor Who and the Lenten Season

As we continue our journey during this season of Lent, we are called to a time of reflection and introspection. Doctor Who, a popular TV show, has given me some ideas for this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Throughout the series, the Doctor serves as a symbol of hope […]

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