Building a Stronger Church Community: Avoiding Hurtful Actions Towards Your Pastor

Introduction: The church community is meant to be a place of love, support, and understanding. Within this sacred space, the pastor plays a pivotal role in guiding and nurturing the congregation. However, despite their devotion and dedication, pastors are not immune to emotional pain caused by thoughtless actions. In this […]

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Their gilded cage; a spoken word of love’s demise

In the depths of love’s demise, a suffocating relationship unfolds. Two souls once entwined, now caught in a web of torment, their love grown cold. Within the confines of their gilded cage, they yearned for freedom’s sweet release, But the ties that bound them tightly choked their hearts, snuffing out […]

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Love, oh Love, you’ve lingered too long in shadows

Love, oh Love, you’ve lingered too long in shadows, Wrapped in your gentle murmur, lost in hushed meadows. When the tempestuous tongues of hate grow bold, Why do you, in your whispers, leave your tales untold? Greed struts loud and brash, dressed in robes of power, While lies, like creeping […]

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Christians on Cruise Control: Awakening Spiritual Growth

Introduction: In the journey of faith, it is not uncommon to encounter Christians who seem to be stagnant, exhibiting a sense of spiritual complacency and appearing to be on “cruise control.” While their faith may have once burned bright, it has gradually dimmed, resulting in a lack of growth and […]

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The Crucial Role of Mental Health First Aid Training at Your Church

Introduction: In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, the challenges to our mental health are more prevalent than ever before. As a society, we are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of mental well-being, and the need for appropriate support and resources. Within this context, churches play a significant role in […]

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Embracing Inclusivity: Steps to Respect Non-Binary and Trans Individuals

Introduction: In our journey toward a more inclusive and accepting society, it is essential that we actively work to respect and honor the identities of all individuals, including those who identify as non-binary or transgender. By fostering an environment of respect and understanding, we can create a world where everyone […]

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Upholding Healthy Boundaries: Nurturing Authenticity and Spiritual Flourishing

Introduction As a progressive Christian pastor, I firmly believe that setting boundaries is an essential practice for our well-being and spiritual growth. However, the true power of boundaries lies in our commitment to uphold them once they have been established. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of […]

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Embracing Healthy Boundaries: A Pathway to Wholeness and Spiritual Growth

Introduction In a world where the demands on our time and energy seem to be ever-increasing, the concept of setting boundaries has become crucial for our well-being and spiritual growth. As a progressive Christian pastor, I firmly believe that embracing healthy boundaries is not only a practical necessity but also […]

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