To hear the heart’s plea; a poem about Matthew 15.

In a sunlit slice of ancient time, where tales find their crest,We disciples stood witness, to a faith truly put to the test.There, amidst the footprints of sand and sounds of the divine,The Canaanite woman’s voice rose, her destiny to entwine. “Son of David!” she called, her voice breaking the […]

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Matthew 15:21-28: Jesus’ Inner Struggle – A Dance of the Divine and Humane

Among the rich tapestry of narratives in the New Testament, Matthew 15:21–28 presents an intricate play of emotions, cultural norms, and spiritual revelations. It highlights an episode where Jesus, often perceived as the embodiment of perfection, appears to grapple with the cultural ethos of His time, giving us a glimpse […]

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Making Ghosts Beneath our Feet

In the heart of tempest’s bluster, midst the waves that did conjoin, The disciples saw a figure, in the dim, faint moonlight’s shine. ‘Twas a form, so unfamiliar, moving with celestial grace, In the stormy sea it wandered, not a ripple, not a trace. “Is it but a ghost?” they […]

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Walking on Water: “Do You Trust the Call?”

Matthew 14:22-33, NRSVUE The story of Jesus walking on water is a captivating one, rich in metaphor and lessons that resonate deeply with many of us, no matter where we are on our spiritual journey. As a recently ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, I find myself continuously […]

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Unpacking Romans 9:1-5: A Beacon of Sorrow, Love, and Divine Purpose

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the complex yet poignant verses found in Romans 9:1-5, where Apostle Paul expresses his profound sorrow, unwavering love, and understanding of God’s divine purpose for the Israelites. In these verses, Paul allows us to see a glimpse of his heart, revealing a depth […]

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Unveiling Anger: A Pastor’s Journey to Authenticity and Acceptance

Introduction As a Christian pastor, the call to love and guide others is a profound journey, one that can become especially complex when intersecting with identities as a neurodivergent, LGBTQIA individual, and former convict. The path to living authentically, while guided by faith, can be fraught with judgment and misunderstanding, […]

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The Thief on the Cross: Embracing Salvation through Unwavering Faith

Introduction The story of the thief on the cross stands as a powerful testament to the transformative power of faith and God’s boundless grace. As Christians, we often discuss the various acts and rituals that are considered vital for salvation. However, the story of the repentant criminal crucified alongside Jesus […]

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Weaving the Future: Wisdom from the Parables

Introduction In the ancient wisdom of biblical parables, we discover profound insights that resonate through the ages. Matthew 13:31-33 and 44-52, a collection of divine allegories, offer us valuable lessons on how we can weave a brighter future for ourselves and the world around us. Like skilled artisans, let us […]

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