Not Playing God, But Imitating Jesus: Our True Calling as Christians

Hello, beloved community, In a world teeming with social, economic, and environmental complexities, the temptation for Christians to “play God” is perhaps stronger than ever. From using Scripture to justify divisive politics to claiming moral authority in spheres beyond our expertise, there’s a subtle but damaging tendency to assume we’ve […]

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The Gospels Unveiled: A Reading Plan for the Familiar but Unacquainted

For many of us, the church has been a consistent backdrop in our lives. We’ve celebrated festive seasons, been part of heartwarming ceremonies, and perhaps even hummed along to scriptures turned into song. Yet, diving deep into the Bible, especially the Gospels, can still feel like uncharted territory. This reading […]

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Centering on Christ: The Many Faces of Jesus in a Tumultuous Journey; a look at Matthew 16:13-20

In the complex mosaic of life, there are moments of vibrant clarity juxtaposed against the ambiguity of shadows. Amidst this dynamic backdrop, Matthew 16:13–20 stands out as a pivotal anchor, prompting a profound question: Who is at the center of our existence? Let’s delve into this passage, which brings forth […]

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Understanding Jewish Midrash: Its Influence on Scriptures Today

When diving into the realm of Jewish literature, the term “Midrash” frequently surfaces. To the uninitiated, the Midrash might seem like a complex, inaccessible body of work. However, a closer look reveals its intrinsic value in interpreting, understanding, and connecting with the scriptures. What is Midrash? The word “Midrash” comes […]

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Faithfulness to Jesus: Standing at Odds with Some Organized Religions

The teachings and life of Jesus Christ have always been transformative and, at times, confrontational. Throughout His ministry, Jesus frequently found Himself at odds with the religious authorities and the popular beliefs of His day. Similarly, true discipleship in today’s age might mean facing tension between Jesus’s teachings and contemporary […]

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Finding Solid Ground in God: An Exegesis of Psalm 61:2

In the midst of our chaotic lives, with challenges that sometimes seem insurmountable, there’s a verse in Psalm 61 that offers solace and guidance. Today, I’d like to draw our attention to Psalm 61:2 from the NRSV Updated Edition: “From the end of the earth, I call to you, when […]

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Listening to Understand: A Christian Pastor’s Perspective

As we navigate the waters of relationships, community building, and discipleship, we as Christians are often reminded of the value of listening. In James 1:19, we are told, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” Yet, how often do we truly heed this […]

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Applauding Transformation: Celebrating the Journey to Authenticity

Genuine transformation and authenticity are like a breath of fresh air in a world where perfection, filtered images, and carefully curated online personas are constantly around us. When someone undergoes personal growth and changes for the better, it’s a testament to their resilience, courage, and commitment. And yet, society often […]

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