A Poem for Ash Wednesday; 2024

In quiet solemnity, Ash Wednesday begins,A hushed murmur of penance, as the faithful come in.With foreheads marked by ashes, we stand and pray,Reminded of our mortality, on this solemn day. The alleluias, joyful and bright,Are buried deep, out of sight.In the earth’s embrace, they lay to rest,As we prepare for […]

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Navigating Grief and Finding Healing: Coping with Exclusion from Biological Families During the Holidays

Introduction: The holiday season is often hailed as a time of joy, love, and togetherness. However, for some individuals, it can be a challenging and emotionally charged period, especially if they find themselves excluded from their biological families. Whether due to estrangement, conflict, or loss, navigating this time of year […]

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The Silent Tears of the Holidays

In the stillness of winter, an unfolding narrative tells of courage and grace, unrestricted by conventional lines. The soft glow of festive lights paints a subdued backdrop, casting shadows upon a heart yearning for space to evolve. Within the framework of traditions, a silent journey unfolds, with the echoes of […]

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Navigating Compassion: Supporting Those Grieving the Loss of a Loved One

Introduction:Losing a loved one is an incredibly challenging and emotional experience that affects individuals in profound ways. Knowing how to offer support to someone who has just experienced such a loss can be tricky, as people grieve differently and may have varying needs. In this blog post, we will explore […]

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Queer in Corners

In shadows where norms cast their heavy cloak,I’m a captive of whispers, society’s yoke.Trapped in a lattice of conformist gaze,Love masked, a kaleidoscope in hidden ways. Queer in corners, where whispers entwine,Obscured spectrum, a vibrant design.Fingers tracing edges of societal norm,Invisible rainbow in a monotone swarm. On straightened stages, a […]

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A Tapestry of Many Seams

In the land of liberty and dreams, A tapestry of many seams, I find a fire, a seething rage, For injustice on every page. Marginalized voices, silenced, ignored, Systemic privilege, often ignored, In this land of opportunity, Not all share in its unity. I’m angry, not for anger’s sake, But […]

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