Lenten Prayer for Drag Performers

Dear God, We come before you during this season of Lent with heavy hearts, as we witness turmoil and division in our country. We are reminded of the importance of inclusion and acceptance, especially during times of hardship and uncertainty. Help us to see the beauty in all of your […]

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Know Me; A Spoken Word about Resilience

I don’t want to be known for resilience, For weathering the storm and carrying on, For pushing through the pain and the darkness, For being strong when everything goes wrong. I don’t want to be defined by my struggles, By the battles I’ve fought and the scars I bear, By […]

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The Hobbit and the Season of Lent

During the season of Lent, many Christians around the world prepare for a time of introspection, self-reflection, and spiritual renewal. Lent is a time for fasting, repentance, and self-denial, in preparation for the celebration of Easter. It is a period of 40 days, representing the 40 days that Jesus spent […]

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