Cognitive Reappraisal and Christianity

Cognitive reappraisal is a technique that has gained increasing attention in recent years as a powerful tool for managing emotions. This technique can be applied to various situations, from everyday stressors to significant life events. However, when it comes to incorporating cognitive reappraisal into one’s faith and spirituality, it is […]

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Managing Emotions and Cognitive Reappraisal!

Emotions are a fundamental aspect of our lives that influence our thoughts, behaviors, and relationships. While emotions can be an important source of guidance and motivation, they can also be overwhelming and disruptive when they are not managed effectively. Therefore, it is important to learn how to control our emotions […]

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A look at Church Trauma in the LBGTQIA+ community

Church trauma and hurt perpetrated on the queer community is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a nuanced and empathetic approach. Over the years, many LGBTQ+ individuals have experienced significant trauma and pain within religious institutions, due to the discrimination, rejection, and even violence they have faced because of […]

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Spiritual Guidance for the Previously Incarcerated; a way forward.

Incarceration is a harrowing experience that can leave long-lasting effects on a person’s life. For those who have been incarcerated, finding their way back into society can be difficult, and they often face numerous challenges in rebuilding their lives. Many previously incarcerated individuals face a lack of opportunities, support, and […]

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A different kind of heart; a spoken word of inclusion!

In a world that’s torn apart, where hate and fear hold sway, we need a different kind of heart, to build a brighter day. We need a heart that beats for love, for every race and creed, a heart that doesn’t push and shove, but welcomes all in need. We […]

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Material Culture and the Church; A spoken Word

In the halls of the progressive church, where spirits soar and hearts do lurch, there’s a material culture that tells a tale, of justice, love, and hope without fail. On the walls, you’ll find art galore, depicting stories of struggle and more, from civil rights to climate change, each piece […]

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What do the Stained Windows say about my church?

Material culture is an integral part of any church. From the ornate decorations adorning the walls to the simple pews where the faithful sit, every aspect of a church’s physical space is imbued with meaning and symbolism. But have you ever stopped to think about what your church is saying […]

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Breaking down the barriers; a spoken word about anxiety

Anxiety, a thief that steals our peace, A storm that brews inside our minds, A weight that drags us down, A battle that we must fight. It’s a constant companion, That never seems to leave, It whispers lies in our ear, And we struggle to believe. But we are warriors, […]

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