I Rise, I Rise: A spoken word of Resilience and Hope

In the darkest corners where shadows breed, I stand tall, unyielding to life’s misdeeds. For in the chaos and struggle that ensues, I rise, I rise, my spirit refuses to lose. Oh, the hurdles and obstacles I face, Are but stepping stones to a higher place. Each stumble, each fall, […]

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Context Matters: Romans 1:25-27 and the Misuse Against Homosexuality

Introduction In theological discussions surrounding homosexuality, Romans 1:25-27 has often been cited as a biblical foundation for condemning same-sex relationships. However, it is crucial to examine this passage within its proper context and consider alternative interpretations that challenge its misuse. By doing so, we can promote a more inclusive and […]

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Judgement instead of Love Serene: a spoken word about Church hurt and the LGBTQIA+ community.

In the realm of church, where hearts once sought, A sanctuary of solace, love, and thought, A chorus of voices, vibrant and strong, But shadows of hurt lingered far too long. For in the pews, where faith should thrive, Church hurt and trauma kept hope deprived. The queer community, longing […]

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“With Heavy Steps I Tread Unknown”: a poem

In shadows cast by doubtful eyes, A heart yearns to freely rise, Amidst a world so vast and wide, Unsupportive parents by my side. Oh, tender souls who brought me forth, Why must my truth provoke your wrath? Within my being, colors bloom, Yet, your acceptance, shrouded gloom. With heavy […]

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Reflections: A Letter to My Younger Self

As June paints the town with hues of rainbows and vibrant smiles bloom like wildflowers, we again find ourselves in the heart of Pride Month. It is a time of celebration, reflection, and an annual reminder of the journey we, as the LGBTQ+ community, have traversed. This month, I wish […]

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The Truth I Sorely Miss: a poem about estrangement

In a world where shadows lengthen and the light does hide, Unravelled by the pain, a father’s heart breaks inside. The echoes of their laughter now are ghosts, mere reminisce, Between the truth and hope, it’s the truth I sorely miss. With choices cast like stepping stones, I walked on […]

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Embracing Inclusivity: Steps to Respect Non-Binary and Trans Individuals

Introduction: In our journey toward a more inclusive and accepting society, it is essential that we actively work to respect and honor the identities of all individuals, including those who identify as non-binary or transgender. By fostering an environment of respect and understanding, we can create a world where everyone […]

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Dismissing a Person’s Loved One or Identity as a “Lifestyle” Is an Act of Profound Cruelty

Introduction In a world that prides itself on progress and acceptance, it is disheartening to witness the persistence of bigotry and discrimination. Among the various forms of prejudice, dismissing a person’s loved one or identity as a mere “lifestyle” is not only deeply hurtful but also an act of profound […]

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