The Thief on the Cross: Embracing Salvation through Unwavering Faith

Introduction The story of the thief on the cross stands as a powerful testament to the transformative power of faith and God’s boundless grace. As Christians, we often discuss the various acts and rituals that are considered vital for salvation. However, the story of the repentant criminal crucified alongside Jesus […]

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Building a Stronger Church Community: Avoiding Hurtful Actions Towards Your Pastor

Introduction: The church community is meant to be a place of love, support, and understanding. Within this sacred space, the pastor plays a pivotal role in guiding and nurturing the congregation. However, despite their devotion and dedication, pastors are not immune to emotional pain caused by thoughtless actions. In this […]

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Weaving the Future: Wisdom from the Parables

Introduction In the ancient wisdom of biblical parables, we discover profound insights that resonate through the ages. Matthew 13:31-33 and 44-52, a collection of divine allegories, offer us valuable lessons on how we can weave a brighter future for ourselves and the world around us. Like skilled artisans, let us […]

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The Rhythm of Rebirth’s Beat; a poem about friendship!

In the vast expanse of life’s intricate landscape, Like a brush in the hands of a kind artist’s keep, There exists a power, an incandescent cape, Of friends, who sow hope when life’s valleys grow deep. Gone are the shadows of desolation’s nights, For friends are the dawn, bursting with […]

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In this Queer, Divided World

In a world divided, a heart feels worn, Navigating paths, both fierce and forlorn, A weary mind, with battles to endure, For being queer in a world unsure. From every angle, judgmental eyes, Discrimination in whispered sighs, The weight of prejudice, a heavy shroud, As mental exhaustion cries aloud. In […]

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Embracing Divine Tapestry: Celebrating Diversity through Psalm 139:1-16

Introduction: In a world that often strives for uniformity and conformity, the celebration of diversity is a profound and essential act. Each individual, with their unique qualities, experiences, and perspectives, contributes to the beautiful tapestry of humanity. Psalm 139:1-16, a deeply contemplative and introspective passage from the Bible, invites us […]

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