“Sister Act”: A Divine Medley of Music and Theology

Unearthing Theological Gems in “Sister Act: The Musical” Greetings to all! Having recently watched “Sister Act: The Musical,” I felt compelled to share some reflections on this delightful production. At first glance, it might appear to be just a light-hearted, musical comedy. But as a pastor, I couldn’t help but […]

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To hear the heart’s plea; a poem about Matthew 15.

In a sunlit slice of ancient time, where tales find their crest,We disciples stood witness, to a faith truly put to the test.There, amidst the footprints of sand and sounds of the divine,The Canaanite woman’s voice rose, her destiny to entwine. “Son of David!” she called, her voice breaking the […]

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Matthew 15:21-28: Jesus’ Inner Struggle – A Dance of the Divine and Humane

Among the rich tapestry of narratives in the New Testament, Matthew 15:21–28 presents an intricate play of emotions, cultural norms, and spiritual revelations. It highlights an episode where Jesus, often perceived as the embodiment of perfection, appears to grapple with the cultural ethos of His time, giving us a glimpse […]

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Making Ghosts Beneath our Feet

In the heart of tempest’s bluster, midst the waves that did conjoin, The disciples saw a figure, in the dim, faint moonlight’s shine. ‘Twas a form, so unfamiliar, moving with celestial grace, In the stormy sea it wandered, not a ripple, not a trace. “Is it but a ghost?” they […]

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The Top Five Theological Questions to Ask When Attending a New Church

When stepping into a new church, you’re not just entering a new building; you’re entering a community with its own unique beliefs, practices, and interpretations of faith. Understanding the theology that underpins this community can be essential in determining if this church aligns with your beliefs and if it’s the […]

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The Rainbow Flag: Celebrating God’s Diverse Creation

Across streets, during pride parades, and fluttering high in many parts of the world, the rainbow flag stands as a vibrant symbol of pride, acceptance, and unity for the LGBTQ+ community. It’s a beautiful mosaic of colors, each hue telling its own story. As we delve into the meanings behind […]

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Walking on Water: “Do You Trust the Call?”

Matthew 14:22-33, NRSVUE The story of Jesus walking on water is a captivating one, rich in metaphor and lessons that resonate deeply with many of us, no matter where we are on our spiritual journey. As a recently ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, I find myself continuously […]

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A Beacon in the Tempest

In the patterned cloths of upbringing, thread by thread, we’re often bound,In the whispers of our households, where unspoken truths resound.As we navigate existence, political views are often found,Yet they never tell the whole of who we are, nor where we’re bound. They ask me, with their puzzled gaze, my […]

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