The True Meaning of “Neighbor”: Embracing the Marginalized through Christian Love

In our daily lives, the term ‘neighbor’ often draws a picture of someone living next door, the family two houses down, or perhaps the couple across the hall in an apartment building. However, within the expansive realm of Christian teachings, the idea of a ‘neighbor’ is far more profound. It […]

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The Deep Grief of Breakups: Moving Past the “What Could Have Been”

Breakups, often framed as mere bumps on the youthful road of life, carry a weight that can feel devastatingly similar to the grief experienced after the death of a loved one. It’s not just about losing a person from your daily life, but also about the crashing halt of shared […]

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Understanding Homosexuality Through First Century Culture: A Pastor’s Perspective

Throughout the centuries, scripture has been interpreted, reinterpreted, and molded to fit the cultural norms and values of each new generation. As we journey through our own understanding of scripture, it’s essential to remember the cultural context in which it was written. In doing so, we can truly grasp the […]

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God’s Own Breath: a poem about the “Ruach Hakodesh”

In the vast expanse, before time took its breadth,Hovered a force, God’s own manifest breath.The Ruach Hakodesh, not just tales of the old,But a living Spirit, stories untold. From ancient scrolls, to our heartbeat’s quest,It’s the whisper in the wind, the surge in your chest.Before mountains stood tall, or stars […]

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Understanding “Ruach Hakodesh” in Our Walk with God

For anyone delving deeper into the spiritual and theological aspects of their faith, the term “Ruach Hakodesh” is not merely a foreign term but a foundational concept within the Judeo-Christian tradition. It provides profound insights into God’s interaction with humanity. Let’s explore what “Ruach Hakodesh” is and why it’s essential […]

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Finding Purpose and Healing in God After a Relationship Ends

Life, in its complex tapestry of experiences, often brings us to crossroads where we find ourselves heartbroken, lost, and uncertain. The end of a relationship can be one of these poignant junctures, akin to standing at the edge of a precipice with an unknown horizon ahead. But even in these […]

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“From Gnats to Camels: Reinterpreting Matthew 23:24 in a Modern Context”

Beloved community, The wisdom found within the pages of Scripture often extends beyond its historical context, finding renewed relevance in our present times. Matthew 23:24 stands out as one such verse: “You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.” On its face, the image appears almost […]

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The Power of Prayer: A Reflection from the Heart of a Pastor

In the hallowed halls of our places of worship, as well as in the quiet moments of our daily lives, prayer stands as an enduring testament to our relationship with the Divine. It is a dialogue that has spanned centuries, across myriad cultures, linking humanity with the Creator. As a […]

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