My Faith Is Not a Cage

In a world that draws its lines,
I stand at the crossroads.
Where faith meets love,
Where I meet myself,
Queer and Christian,
Not a contradiction, but a harmony,
Not a struggle, but a truth.

They say the path is narrow.
But I walk it wide.
With the light of the Gospel in my heart,
And the colors of the rainbow in my soul.
I hear the whispers.
“This can’t be,” they say.
But I know the voice of the Divine.
In the quiet of my prayers,
In the boldness of my love.

My faith is not a cage.
But a sky, vast and open,
Where I can stretch my wings,
Where I can be whole.
The Teacher walked with the outcasts.
Loved without condition,
So I stand here, loved and loving.
My heart is open to all.

I find the Sacred in the gentle embrace.
In the tender kiss,
In the knowing glance,
Where love breaks free,
And grace flows without bounds.

The scriptures speak of love.
Of justice and mercy,
And I find myself there,
In every word, in every promise,
I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
In this image, diverse and true,
A reflection of the infinite,
Of the source, which is love.

So I walk this path.
Queer and Christian,
Not an anomaly,
But a testimony,
That love and faith,
Are not bound by human fears,
But flourish,
In the garden of the Divine.

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