Move the Line; a call for action!

O faith leaders, hear my humble plea, In sacred spaces where hearts gather free, I beseech you to heed the urgent call, To move the line, dismantle prejudice’s wall.

In your hands, you hold the power divine, To guide your flocks, to shape their minds, With words of compassion and love’s embrace, Challenge the darkness, let justice take its place.

For too long, the stains of white supremacy, Have marred our world, causing untold agony, Systemic prejudice, a poisonous seed, That denies equality and justice to those in need.

You stand as beacons, voices of influence, With platforms vast, and hearts immense, Let not your sermons fall on deafened ears, But ignite the flames of change, dispelling fears.

Speak boldly against the shackles of hate, Confront the biases that segregate, For faith knows no color, no boundary, no race, Inclusion and equity, may they find their rightful place.

Break the chains of silence, let truth resound, In the halls of worship, let justice abound, Challenge your flock to introspection deep, To question privilege and the promises they keep.

For faith, when pure, extends a loving hand, To uplift the marginalized, to understand, That in unity and diversity’s embrace, We find strength, forging a brighter space.

Lead by example, move beyond the line, Reveal the beauty of a world intertwined, Where prejudice falters and love takes flight, A testament to faith’s guiding light.

May your voices echo with unwavering might, As you confront the shadows, and injustice ignite, Let compassion guide your every decree, To create a world that’s truly equitable and free.

O faith leaders, the time is now, To move the line, with conviction and vow, In your sacred role, may you ignite the fire, To build a world where all souls can aspire.

By WhovianPastor

I am the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Belleville, Illinois. I have a Master's of Arts degree in Instructional Strategies as well as a Master's of Divinity degree from Eden Theological Seminary. I am currently working on my Doctorate of Ministry degree. I live with my husband, Shea, and our dog Ivy. I love all things geeky and nerdy. Crafting and theology are my love languages.

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