Lenten Prayer for Drag Performers

Dear God,

We come before you during this season of Lent with heavy hearts, as we witness turmoil and division in our country. We are reminded of the importance of inclusion and acceptance, especially during times of hardship and uncertainty.

Help us to see the beauty in all of your creation, including those who may be different from us. May we embrace the diversity of your people, and recognize the value that each individual brings to our communities.

We lift up our drag queen siblings, who have faced discrimination and prejudice for simply being who they are. May we be agents of change and love, standing up against hatred and bigotry wherever we see it.

As we fast, pray, and give alms during this season of Lent, may we be mindful of those who are most vulnerable and marginalized. May we extend a hand of compassion and inclusion to all, especially those who have been cast aside by society.

We ask for your guidance and wisdom, as we seek to live lives that reflect your love and grace. May we be transformed by your spirit, and may our hearts and minds be open to all of your people.

We pray all of this in your holy name.


By WhovianPastor

I am the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Belleville, Illinois. I have a Master's of Arts degree in Instructional Strategies as well as a Master's of Divinity degree from Eden Theological Seminary. I am currently working on my Doctorate of Ministry degree. I live with my husband, Shea, and our dog Ivy. I love all things geeky and nerdy. Crafting and theology are my love languages.

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