God’s Love; a spoken word

In the quiet, in the still, there beats a rhythm, a cosmic quill, Writing anthems of unseen grace, of galaxies vast and the human race. A story penned in light and time, a saga woven, sublime and prime.

God’s love, it thunders through the stars, stretches beyond our earthly bars, Yet settles gently in our hearts, a silent whisper, where it all starts. It’s in the breath of morning light, the lullaby that fills the night, In every heart’s unspoken prayer, every burden that we bear.

It’s a love that saw us, even in our fall, Brought us back with a redeeming call. It’s the painter of the sunset’s fire, the author of our heart’s desire, The architect of dreams and hopes, the healer when our spirit mopes.

God’s love, it’s the melody of grace, The unseen hand, the warm embrace, In every tear that falls and dries, in every joy that lifts and flies. A love that’s vast, yet intimate, beyond the grasp of our finite slate.

It’s the flame that burns yet does not consume, The fragrance that fills every room. A paradox, profound and deep, a shepherd for the wayward sheep, A balm to heal the deepest scar, a north star for those afar.

God’s love, it’s the promise in the rainbow’s arc, The silent vow in the song of the lark. In the whisper of the summer breeze, in the rustle of the autumn leaves. A love that speaks in silence deep, that cradles us in our sleep.

It’s the constant in the changing tide, The refuge where we run and hide. A fortress strong, a sure defense, breaking down every pretense, A love that sees beyond our sin, that knocks and waits to be let in.

God’s love, it’s the sculptor of mountain grand, The artist of the desert sand. In the depths of the ocean’s blue, in the morning’s rosy hue. A love that’s faithful, just, and true, that sees us and makes us new.

It’s the sculptor of our soul’s clay, The guide that lights our darkest way. A beacon bright, a compass true, the map that charts our journey through, A love that breathes, that laughs, that cries, that weeps with us and rejoices in our highs.

God’s love, it’s the poet of the sky, The comfort in a child’s sigh. In the mystery of life’s grand plan, in the footprints in the sand. A love that’s vast as the azure span, that stoops to lift the fallen man.

It’s the greatest story ever told, A love story, brave and bold. A love that gave, that bled, that died, that rose again in glory, glorified. A love that’s here, that’s now, that’s then, that will be when all things end.

For God’s love is not a fleeting verse, but a chorus that echoes the universe. It’s a love as close as your very breath, as certain as life, as sure as death. A testament of divinity, a love that rewrites our destiny.

Yes, God’s love, it’s the poetry of existence, The essence of life, the core of persistence. It’s the heartbeat of every moment’s frame, An eternal flame, calling us by name. It’s the love that won’t let us go, the greatest love we’ll ever know.

By WhovianPastor

I am the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Belleville, Illinois. I have a Master's of Arts degree in Instructional Strategies as well as a Master's of Divinity degree from Eden Theological Seminary. I am currently working on my Doctorate of Ministry degree. I live with my husband, Shea, and our dog Ivy. I love all things geeky and nerdy. Crafting and theology are my love languages.

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