Do you hear that rattling, my friends?

Do you hear that rattling of dry bones?

When I look at Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones where God told him to prophesy to the dead and they rose back alive, I am compelled in considering my own setting. For hen we look at the Israelites, we see that they are a broken and exiled people, so much so that they say “Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are cut off completely.” Doesn’t sounds like they’d have much reason for hope, does it? And what dry bones are in your life? Here in America, it feels like there’s much that can make us feel hopeless. To say the least, things can feel pretty tense these days. And our hope can be greatly challenged. Where do we go from here, and how do we find hope in our darkness?

I say that though we face realities that beset us dearly, God still calls us out of the valley of our dry bones and into life. And if you think where can there be hope when there seems like there is none, just ask the man who was thrown on the bones of Elisha, or ask the stone that was rolled at the tomb in the garden that Jesus rose from. For God is able to save and deliver and heal and restore all things. God made a way for Christ, and Christ makes a way for us, for He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Some things may take a little while to fully unfold, but we are called to prophesy to the down and out and hopeless, and it is through Christ that we are able to bring life and breath to the dead of spirit. How is the Holy Spirit moving in your life to prophesy to the dry bones? We are all called, in all our own way. So, let’s get moving toward God’s Vision. I hear the dry bones rattling. Do you?

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