Doctor Who and the Lenten Season

As we continue our journey during this season of Lent, we are called to a time of reflection and introspection. Doctor Who, a popular TV show, has given me some ideas for this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Throughout the series, the Doctor serves as a symbol of hope and redemption, as he travels through time and space to right wrongs and save lives. His commitment to helping others and standing up for what is right can serve as a powerful example for us as we seek to deepen our own faith.

In the episode “The Day of the Doctor”, the Doctor is faced with the realization that he has committed great wrongs in the name of his own selfish desires. Through the help of his fellow Time Lords and a willingness to sacrifice himself, he is able to find redemption and save the universe from destruction. This episode reminds us that even when we have made mistakes, there is always a path to forgiveness and redemption.

Similarly, in the episode “The Waters of Mars”, the Doctor is confronted with the consequences of his own actions and must decide whether to interfere with history to save lives. This episode serves as a reminder that our actions have consequences and that we must always strive to do what is right, even when it is difficult.

As we journey through the season of Lent, let us remember the lessons of Doctor Who. Let us be inspired by the Doctor’s commitment to justice and compassion, and let us be reminded of our own responsibility to stand up for what is right. May this season be a time of reflection and transformation, as we seek to deepen our faith and live more fully in the light of God’s love.

By WhovianPastor

I am the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Belleville, Illinois. I have a Master's of Arts degree in Instructional Strategies as well as a Master's of Divinity degree from Eden Theological Seminary. I am currently working on my Doctorate of Ministry degree. I live with my husband, Shea, and our dog Ivy. I love all things geeky and nerdy. Crafting and theology are my love languages.

One thought on “Doctor Who and the Lenten Season”
  1. Thank you Tim, this makes me think how fun it would be to go a theological journey through Dr. Who similar to the podcast Harry Potter and The Sacred Text

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