Discipleship in Distress: Evaluating Evangelical Misuse

The term “discipleship” historically reverberates with profound spiritual undertones, harking back to the disciples who devotedly followed Jesus, seeking enlightenment and a deepened relationship with God. At its core, discipleship encompasses genuine learning, growth, and an authentic pursuit of faith.

However, like many other religious concepts, the term’s purity has been muddied over time. Specifically, certain evangelical groups have been criticized for misappropriating the concept of discipleship, using it more as a tool for proselytizing than genuine spiritual development. The LGBTQIA community, in particular, has often found itself ensnared in what can only be described as a “bait and switch” method.

Discipleship or Proselytizing?

  1. The Original Intent: Discipleship, in its original form, is meant to be a journey of self-discovery, growth, and an honest quest for understanding God’s message. It is not, and should not be, an aggressive pursuit of conversion or pushing a single, rigid interpretation of faith onto others.
  2. Proselytizing Under the Guise of Discipleship: The misuse of discipleship often starts under the pretense of genuine spiritual mentorship. But soon, it morphs into an attempt to reshape an individual’s beliefs to align with a specific evangelical perspective.

The LGBTQIA Experience

For many LGBTQIA Christians, the evangelical approach to discipleship has been particularly challenging:

  1. The Welcoming Illusion: Some evangelical groups initially welcome LGBTQIA individuals into their fold, making them feel accepted and loved. This is the ‘bait’.
  2. The Unraveling Truth: As these individuals delve deeper into the community, the initial acceptance is replaced with teachings that label their identities as ‘sinful’ or ‘wrong’. This is the ‘switch’, where the welcoming environment turns into a space focused on “correcting” or “saving” them.
  3. Emotional and Spiritual Distress: This bait and switch not only causes emotional harm but also leads to a spiritual crisis for many. They are torn between their genuine relationship with God and a community that claims to represent Him but rejects their true selves.

The Path Forward

  1. Recognizing the Misuse: The first step in addressing this issue is by recognizing and calling out the misuse of discipleship. It’s essential to differentiate between genuine spiritual guidance and manipulative proselytizing.
  2. Supportive Communities: Establishing and promoting spaces where everyone, including LGBTQIA Christians, can explore their faith without fear of judgment or manipulation is crucial.
  3. Reclaiming Discipleship: True discipleship is a beautiful journey of faith, growth, and connection with God. By refocusing on its authentic essence, we can reclaim it from those who misuse it.

In conclusion, while the misuse of discipleship by certain evangelical groups is concerning, it also offers an opportunity. By addressing this issue head-on, we can pave the way for a more inclusive, genuine, and love-centered approach to discipleship that honors every individual’s unique relationship with God.

By WhovianPastor

I am the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Belleville, Illinois. I have a Master's of Arts degree in Instructional Strategies as well as a Master's of Divinity degree from Eden Theological Seminary. I am currently working on my Doctorate of Ministry degree. I live with my husband, Shea, and our dog Ivy. I love all things geeky and nerdy. Crafting and theology are my love languages.

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