Children of the Creator

We are all children of the Creator,
dancing in the kaleidoscope of existence,
each step a testament to the spectrum of love.

In the dawn, under the vast sky,
our hearts beat the same rhythm,
echoing ancient whispers of unity.

Some walk the straight paths,
carved by generations of tradition,
their love like a river, steady and known,
flowing through the familiar valleys of time.

Others wander through the labyrinth,
their hearts wild and untamed,
seeking the unexplored corners of the soul,
where love is an untamed forest, vibrant and free.

In the end, we all meet under the same stars,
our stories woven together by the threads of the cosmos,
a tapestry of light and shadow, of joy and sorrow.

Our love, whether straight as an arrow
or winding like a mountain trail,
is but a reflection of the Creator’s boundless grace,
a hymn to the infinite possibilities of being.

We breathe the same air,
our laughter and tears mingling in the wind,
our hopes and dreams kindling the same fires.

In the eyes of the Creator,
we are all cherished, all divine,
each of us a spark of the eternal flame.

So let us walk our paths with pride,
whether straight or queer,
for in the grand design, we are all children of the light,
woven into the same beautiful, sacred whole.

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