Centering on Christ: The Many Faces of Jesus in a Tumultuous Journey; a look at Matthew 16:13-20

In the complex mosaic of life, there are moments of vibrant clarity juxtaposed against the ambiguity of shadows. Amidst this dynamic backdrop, Matthew 16:13–20 stands out as a pivotal anchor, prompting a profound question: Who is at the center of our existence?

Let’s delve into this passage, which brings forth the vibrant tapestry of Jesus’s identity, and explore how the different ‘Jesus figures’ we encounter on our journey can help us center our lives.

The Conversation at Caesarea Philippi

In the passage, Jesus turns to His disciples and asks, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” Various answers float in: some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.

But the crux of the matter arises when Jesus directs the question personally: “But what about you? Who do you say I am?” Peter responds with a declaration of faith, recognizing Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of the living God.

The Many Faces of Jesus in My Journey

Throughout my tumultuous life, I’ve met various ‘Jesus figures’. Each has been a reflection of what I needed during that particular phase:

Jesus, the Friend: In my moments of loneliness, when the corridors of my heart echoed with desolation, I found Jesus as a friend. One who listened without judgment, offered a shoulder without conditions, and stood by me without faltering.

Jesus, the Savior: There were periods of utter despair when the weight of my mistakes and the shadows of my past threatened to submerge me. In these moments, Jesus emerged as the savior, extending a hand of grace, lifting me from the quagmire of guilt, and placing me on solid ground.

Jesus, the Kickass Superhero: Life is not devoid of villains, be they external circumstances or inner demons. In these battles, I met Jesus, the superhero. With His cape of righteousness and shield of faith, He battled alongside me, ensuring that despite the intensity of the fight, goodness and love would prevail.

Each of these personas was just what I needed at the time. But beyond these roles, Jesus remained the core, the center, and the gravitational pull grounding my existence.

Re-centering Our Lives

The beauty of Matthew 16:13–20 lies in its universality. We all have our own unique encounters with Jesus, shaped by our needs, struggles, and triumphs. But the pivotal question remains: Who is Jesus to you now? And is He at the heart of your existence?

In a world filled with noise, distractions, and ever-evolving challenges, it’s easy to drift from our center. But every once in a while, we must pause, reflect, and realign. For in centering our lives on Christ, we embrace an anchor that provides stability amidst chaos, clarity amidst confusion, and hope amidst despair.

Conclusion: A Dynamic Relationship

Our relationship with Jesus isn’t static; it’s dynamic. As we grow, evolve, and navigate the myriad paths of life, the face of Jesus we turn to might change. But whether He’s a friend, savior, or superhero, the essence remains the same. He’s what we need when we need it. So, today, let’s pause and re-center, celebrating the many faces of Jesus that guide, protect, and love us throughout our journey.

By WhovianPastor

I am the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Belleville, Illinois. I have a Master's of Arts degree in Instructional Strategies as well as a Master's of Divinity degree from Eden Theological Seminary. I am currently working on my Doctorate of Ministry degree. I live with my husband, Shea, and our dog Ivy. I love all things geeky and nerdy. Crafting and theology are my love languages.

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