As Soon As

In the hum of the city, in the pulse of the streets,
We chase the “as soon as” with hurried feet.
“As soon as I finish,” “as soon as I start,”
The whispering echoes fill every heart.

We sprint through our days, always looking ahead,
Our minds on the future, our souls underfed.
“As soon as I have,” “as soon as I find,”
We leave peace and joy and contentment behind.

But what if we paused, just for a breath,
In the quiet, the stillness, the spaces of depth?
The Creator is waiting, a guide through the night,
To lead us to fullness, to show us the light.

In the sway of the trees, in the song of the breeze,
There’s a whisper of grace, a promise of ease.
“Be still and know,” the Creator implores,
“Your soul needs no rush to open its doors.”

With hands outstretched and hearts open wide,
We can embrace the journey, let go of the pride.
For life’s richest moments aren’t bound by a clock,
They’re found in the presence, the pause, the rock.

So let’s cherish each step, each breath that we take,
The now, not the next, for our soul’s true sake.
In the Creator’s love, we find our release,
From the “as soon as” culture, to lives full of peace.

No more “as soon as,” but here and today,
In the light of the present, we find our way.
The Creator’s gift is this moment, this chance,
To live with a fullness, to join in the dance.

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