A Symphony Undone

In the hush of winter’s breath, my thoughts alight, To you, my daughters, lost in the tapestry of night. The echoes of laughter, once vibrant and near, Now distant whispers, fading, but oh so dear.

As the holidays approach with their festive cheer, I pen this verse, a silent prayer you might hear. In the quiet spaces, where memories reside, Longing mingles with hope, a delicate tide.

A dance of shadows, a poignant ballet, Where love’s rhythm falters, in the absence, does sway. Yearning for the day when your eyes may perceive, The love that in my heart, silently weaves.

For change is a constant, a challenging song, Yet love has a melody, sweet and strong. The holidays’ glow, a bittersweet light, I feel your absence, a void in the night.

Around the table, where laughter once spun, Silent spaces linger, a symphony undone. This journey, intricate, a tapestry of grace, Each thread a story, in time and in space.

I respect your path, your unique stride, Yet hold onto hope that love may abide. In the written words, a bridge I extend, To a future where wounds find time to mend.

With arms outstretched, in love’s tender embrace, I await the day we share moments of grace. Through the quiet verses, my love takes flight, Wishing for joy, peace, in the season’s soft light.

In the heart’s silent chambers, where memories roam, A father’s love, steadfast, through spaces unknown.

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