Spoken Word: “Fragments of Faith”

In a world where whispers of faith should echo like thunder,We find ourselves lost in a labyrinth of our own making,Threads of belief tangled in the loom of our hearts,Where once there was tapestry, now only tatters.The cross, once a symbol of unity,Now, like a fractured spine,Bent under the weight […]

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Boundless and Holy; a poem about love.

In the beginning,There was love.Not the kind that fits into the neat cornersOf man-made boxes,But the wild, sprawling expanseOf a divine sparkThat knows no limit, no end. I stand here,A pastor in a pulpit,A husband in a home,A queer soul in a bodyThat’s never fit the mold—Yet here I am, […]

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A Theological Reflection on Psalm 84: A Progressive Christian Interpretation

Introduction Psalm 84, a profound hymn of devotion and longing, stands as one of the most cherished texts within the Psalter. It captures the essence of spiritual yearning and the deep desire to dwell within the presence of the Divine. For those who embrace a progressive Christian theology, Psalm 84 […]

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